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Exercise 2.6 - Pareidolia

The aim of this task was about searching for patterns and shapes in objects that had resemblances of a human face and make a drawing based on my findings.
This task is about exploring the phenomenon of Pareidolia which is when the brain perceives faces and human features in different random objects like a door knob, a cloud, a cable, etc.

Before I started looking for objects, I did some research on some artists whose art style explore this phenomenon. As suggested by OCA , I looked into Keith Larsen and Justin Sutcliffe to get inspiration and see the potential within this form of art. Keith Larsen’s Pareidolia based work centres around producing drawings whilst Justin Sutcliffe who’s a photographer, his work is consequently made with photographs.

© Keith Larsen. Image used under educational fair use policy.

© Keith Larsen. Image used under educational fair use policy.

© Justin Sutcliffe. Image used under educational fair use policy.

© Justin Sutcliffe. Image used under educational fair use policy.

My illustrations were made within Keith Larsen’s style where I went on a quest to find anything that resembled two eyes and a nose thus building the drawings from there.





Overall, I found this exercise to be quite useful to overcome art blocks, it also trains the eye to become more observant of our surroundings. I also found the process of creation to be quite enjoyable.

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