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Exercise 3.2 - Working with external visual impetus - people

The objective of this task was to introduce the student to observing figures.

Single Figure - main points

  • Draw someone I know doing what they do everyday, like using the phone, doing the washing up, reading a book, watching a movie, etc. To try to describe the activity.
  • Do some quick drawings and at least one longer sketch.
  • Can focus on parts of the figure, the face or the entire figure,
  • Be deliberately selective with the types of drawings I produce,  make some drawings with only a few considered lines and details and others with solid shapes and more visual information.
  • To focus on what I’m saying about my subject, what features are interesting to me.

My approach

For this part of the exercise I decided to draw my partner doing her everyday tasks. I made a few quick sketches as well as a bit more detailed sketches, depending on how long my subject would remain in pose.
I focused on drawing as quickly as possible whilst at the same time trying to convey clarity and expressiveness with my marks.
2 minute sketch of my partner having a meal whilst watching  the news, the curly hair  and the gesture of the hands multitasking were a nice subject to draw.

Quick sketch with blue pencil of subject cooking, drawing a figure cooking was something I haven’t drawn before. Challenging to capture with a few marks the act of cooking. 

2 quick sketches of subject working on her laptop and speaking with family on phone, the curly hair is a peculiar common trait on both sketches.  Focused on the important elements that told the story.

Subject in the couch talking on the phone. Used a pen and an inkbrush.  Happy accident or not, the empty space on the paper aided in giving the illusion of light coming from the left, getting darker as you move the eye towards the right. To help create the gradual darks, I increased the intensity of the hatching lines , ending up with full black brush marks on the right side of the sofa,

10 Minute sketch of subject doing the washing up.  Used a blue pencil but desaturated the sketch when editing the picture.
Focused on sharp contrast between the subjects blouse and the surrounding environment, and to gradual blurriness  of contrast moving away from the center.

Ink brush and Charcoal sketch, subject parking the car.
I drew from a picture since the subject was moving. I was attracted by the metal shining on the car, and found it a nice way to practice rendering the light hitting on metal. Furthermore, the strong contrasts of light and dark were appealing to me, as I’m trying to enphasise the negative space, to use the whiteness of the paper to aid with the composition.


Main points:
  • Choosing a place that’s populated. 
  • Think about how you might approach drawing groups of people.
  • Build up sketches of different people on the same page of the sketchbook.
  • Might be able to catch a bit of a person before they move on and if that’s the case it’s ok to return to figures if there are activities where similar poses are adopted, to build amalgam drawings to suggest the activity or person rather than capture exactly what I have seen .

My approach:

Due to the current ease of lockdown restrictions, I was able to go to the local park to try and sketch people minding my distance towards other people. 
Being already comfortable sketching people in public places, I didn’t find the task challenging on that aspect. What was challenging instead, was to sketch people in transient poses, like a cyclist stopping for a short time to talk with other people or people walking and running.
I alternated the material used between a pen and a brush pen. Aimed to be as clear with what those people were doing and focused on being fast with my sketches whilst being selective of my marks by only adding what was essential to tell the story. 
Managed to make around 30 sketches of people doing various park activities, sun bathing, having a picnic, playing football, etc.

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