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Exercise 2.5: Drawing with objects: A journey scrapbook

This exercise centred around making drawings that included objects that made them part of the drawing. There were different ways to tackle this, one could have opted to gather objects like a train ticket or a supermarket receipt and use them in a sort of collage along the drawing with the intention of supplementing the essence of a story in the illustration. Another way would be to gather objects and add them to your illustration to help complement it. I have opted to use objects
Due to the context I find myself in as I write this, being at home during quarantine, my options were quite narrow, so I decided to search for objects I had inside my house and found quite a few fridge magnet city souvenirs as shown below, an electric sharpener, a photo of my hand and my mobile phone.

Below are the drawings with objects.

I wasn’t sure my hand could be counted as an object, I looked at it as a photo with drawings on top, in line with some of Niemann and Steinberg’s illustrations. This idea came as I was looking for objects to draw and for some reason I thought of Gulliver’s Travels. It came in a spontaneous way.

After making the pencil sharpener illustration, I had this robot theme stuck in my head and inspired by a Niemann illustration which had a phone, I created this one. Googled the word “eyes”

For this drawing I’ve cropped the photo initially so that only the pencil sharpener was shown. The top of the sharpener reminded me of a robot skull so with that in mind, I decided to add a human feel to it by drawing the jaw.
I used the IPad Procreate software.

I chose some fridge magnets that gave me the best ideas, by combining these two magnets I had this  idea, which was quite straightforward and I wanted to keep it simple.


I was initially a bit skeptic regarding this exercise but I quite enjoyed the outcome and the process of coming up with ideas. The hand drawing I feel it has potential for further exploration, like using a human photographs and adding cartoony figures interacting. As well as the robot illustrations which I thought were fun.

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