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Exercise 5.3 - Constructing a Visual Journal

 Constructing a Visual Journal

The aim of this exercise was to assemble what i’ve gathered to make a visual journal .
A "memory store" of the exercises and activities I have most enjoyed and the experiences that have been most important to me.

Key points for this exercise:

  • Integrate this with the action plan and combine drawings and words that might serve as a reminder of what I want to do more of.
  • Think about how I might order and compile the work in my pile, integrating key phrases, or drawings from my action plan within it.
  • Can also add keywords or sentences from my tutor feedback printing them out digitally .
  • Integrate my plan to create a sketchbook that is a visual journal that documents my experience to date feeding back on my discoveries and feeding forward into my final assignment.
Be inventive, be resourceful, try new ways of connecting the drawings, don’t be precious, be sure it feels like my book (A journal that is a snapshot summary of where I am at this stage of the course and where I want to go next in my learning journey).

My approach:

For this task i’ve purchased a scrapbook with multi coloured pages as i’ve felt it would combine  well with the whole of the drawings and words stuck to it.
In the inner side of the cover I wrote the exercise main points to serve as a handy reminder of what I needed to do. In the first page of the scrapbook, I laid out my action plan not only for the assignment but also for the future in terms of my artistic pathway, the steps required to become the best version of myself in that sense.
The next pages were composed of collages mixing fragments of my favourite drawings with keywords and some quotes pertaining the specific exercises, words that best characterise those exercises, in my view at least.
To conclude this visual journal, I added my tutor’s feedback, which was really hard to choose a specific snippet of information so I ended up including all of the feedbacks to date as I fell they are not also a good thing to remember in the future.

This exercise was a good way to remember  the exercises I completed in this module as well as remember what I need to do next. This scrapbook had the advantage of being open to add further elements to it as well as being a new experience do add to my artistic skill set. It feels to me like a photo album, something that in 20 years I will look back with joy.

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