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Exercise 4.4 - Using basic narrative structure

 Using basic narrative structure

This task was a gateway to start playing with time and sequence within my work, it was about starting with a very basic story arc with a beginning, middle and end which serves as a starting point to creating more complex story arcs. I found this task very good as I want to follow the path of sequential art but maybe out of fear or feeling overwhelmed with the sheer amount of subjects or realms to master, I tend to subconsciously resist doing the work and end up sticking to make single pictures and this task was beneficial to me in that matter since it starts with small simple steps.

This exercise was split into three tasks, the first task was to take a single image from any point in my sketchbook and duplicate the image three times. Next, to alter two of the images by rubbing out and redrawing elements to create a beginning, middle and end-sequence.
I had this sketch which was too early on its making, so I redrew it to suit the narrative of a sequence that included my character Brushman, the image had the addition of brushman’ s wardrobe and his helmet sitting on the top of a piece of furniture. To illustrate the middle and end, I modified the initial sketch by making the character grabbing the phone and answering it. 
I used an Ipad for making the illustration 
Initial sketch
Beginning, middle and end 

The second task of the exercise was to take the the same or another drawing from my sketchbook and repeat the same task but this time when creating the beginning, middle and end, to change the passage of time across three images to a different unit of time. This could be days, months, seasons or centuries. I used again Brushman standing at a grave on three separate panels, to illustrate the passage of time, I placed him in the same position but with different weather conditions like the rain, sun and snow as well as adding more elements to his family and changing the camera progressively to a wider shot of the environment. I used pencil and bristol board with the aid of a light box to trace and refine the initial sketch into the final drawing.

Second task picture

Finally, the last task was to imagine a different possibility for the shape and form of one of my earlier drawings by morphing it into a changed shape, using a series of drawings to get there. I used an earlier sketch of my partner looking down with a hand in her ear and attempted to morph it into an eagle with its baby cub. I used the iPad procreate for the illustration. I liked the way it ended up, giving the appearance of a picture for one of Edgar Alan Poe’s tales. For the process I looked at the skull of an eagle and a human and compared their similarities for when the transition occurred , the growth and recession of the facial features would happen in the most realistic way, it was challenging on the last 4 panels because they all had to be different but show an evolution in the metamorphosis.

Task reflection 

This exercise showed me how useful it is to redraft old and seemingly abandoned sketches and giving them new life by imagining in the picture what could have happened before and after. For my assignment I will attempt too carry these skills to build a story by picking some of my previous sketches and organise/redraft them in a way that allows to build a coherent story.

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